Friday, September 24, 2004

This is my opinon on the race for the white house.!

Okay he has had three years to get Osmma Bin laden, and he has not. Instead he has made us a laughing stock and made us look like a bullie. Yes Saddam needed to be taken care of, but He should have gotten Osmma first. He had more of a reason to get him then Saddam. Another point is that Saddam has no weapons of mass-destruction. So Bush spent 100 billion dollars on a war just to make his daddy happy. Ummm what about the families that lost love ones for a war that should not of happened. Like a Mother said " I would of understood if my son died in Afghanistan, but not in Iraq. I mean will would have been devstated, but I would have understood more if it were in Afghanistan at least we had a point to be there to protect our nation and others." To me she made a very vailid point. Either way I support the troops, but not The President. I urge all who can read this to vote, not nesaceraily for John Kerry & John Edwards. But for something and make a point let your voice be herad and if you dont vote and you can dont come bitching to me when things arent going right. Also the economy SUCKS ASS!! The jobs that are out there suck ass his tax cuts have only widden the gap between the Rich and the poor, and middle class people are almost gone as well. I feel it's a shame when the most powerful contry in the world doesn't even offer Health Insurance to it's people. and Bush won't here of health insurance for all. It may cost a little bit of money, well a trillion dollars, but to know that everyone in this land will have health insurance when they need it, is a very good thing. I for one won't mind paing the tax height. I am not saing that the Dems are the best but for the next four years I would rather have a dem that has a good plan and an anti war image. Also one that has fought in Vetinam, even if his attendence was ify. Its better than haveing a Pres. that was MIA, no? Well that is my opinon and nothing will change it. So once again vote or shut up!!!!!1

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