Wednesday, November 17, 2004

I Gotta Question to Ask Ya?

What kind, if any, emotions would you want to get ride?

Well I would keep Anger, and Happiness.
I would say lets get ride of Shame, for my own personal reasons.
what ones would u get rid of?

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Well, after you asked me the other day about this, I got to thinking. And it seems to me that each emotion serves its purpose, even the ones that we go out of our way not to feel. Like shame. Shame keeps us from becoming too proud and arrogant. Guilt keeps us from doing things that are mean or wrong. Fear can be a protector, in certain situations - for example, we wouldn't jump off a building for fear that we would die. And while depression sucks, many depressed people have created some beautiful art. So...I guess I can't think of any completely useless or uneeded emotion.

Though they can definitely be a nuisence from time to time.