Monday, March 21, 2005

No Idea You all Insert Title Here-

I have noticed that many people in Saginaw are oppsed to wearing a nice smelling fegerence. Friday and Saturday I was privy to some funky smells coming from many people I had to wait on at work. Then today I was walking behind this person who stunk like a sased-pool. I am not saying that I am the best smelling person in the world, but I try not smell like a damn bathroom. If I did I am sure that my friends would tell my I smell like a Jock strap or something along those lines.

Secondly, I am a bit confessed with life in general. How can I hate a job about 13 months ago, and actually enjoy it now?! I am not saying that it is any better but I actually don't dreed going to work. I half belive it is becacuse I need the money, and that two of the managers I did not get a long with are gone as well as the entire staff that I really did not get a long with.

Thirdly, I am going to florida in about three days. I can not wait to go, the weather better be fucking fantastic.

Fourthly, there is not a fourth. I just don't like odd numbers.
Bye y'all!

Mood- :)
Music- Death Meatal
Happiness Priceless.

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