Monday, April 04, 2005

My Theroy on Love!

First of all, why do we, now a days, feel that there is love in the world? Granted that you are suppose to love your family, but do you really. When a parent dies or Grandparent, we cry and morin. Are we crying because we really did love them or because we last a confidant? That is the norm. What I don't get is why are people looking for Mr or Mrs. Right. Why can't we just find the Right person for right now. Two people in my English class are ingaged to be married. If you are in love why do you need a piece of paper telling the world you are in love. Now, people get married for health insurance and a reteriement, I get that. When our parents were married it was either convenit, gotting of a child, or love,so they thought in many cases. Most of my friends have parents that are split up. Come to think of it I have two freinds that parents are married. I don't think one set of parents are happily married however, but I can't speak for the other ones. And if you want to get technical my mom has never been devoriced. She never married my dad. He was, in her words, Mr. Right now. I myself fell love is bothersome, yes sex is good but in our times we have a lot to worry about, STDS, kids, yes kids have always been a problem but still the teenage pregnecy is at all time high. I don't know am I just not getting it. I am that selfish that I don't want to share my life with a person. Or am I just a confermed Bachlor, for life. Or is it all possible that I will find the right person for life not for now? I don't know but I do know this I will not hold my breathe for said person. If you are out their and you are into a lot of the things I am into then leave me a message, if not piss or get off the pot.

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