Monday, February 13, 2006


This is the longest amount of time I have kept a job, since senior year in High school. This year is looking very promiseing. I am currently hopping that they don't promte me at GKC for the simple fact that I would like to cut my hours and go down to seanal help. I can't do two jobs and school full time. I proally could if they were normal hours not 20 19 hours at Webber on Mondays, Wedensdays, Fridays, 20 hours at GKC Friday, Saturday, Sunday and the occisonal Wedensday shift. Not to menichen school from 8:30-4 on Tuesday and Thursday. I have to admit the money is great $400 a pay check fits in my pocket so nicley.

I have paid off all but 600$$ of my credit cards. Yeah for me! Now when I get the mail I don't hear "Bills, bills, bills" by Destinies Child. ( I know that was a little gay.) Well, I must go and finsh my homework I have socialology stuff to finsh and yes I did drop my photography class.

_Good Night, Good luck and God Speed to all, except Bush.


I geuss Cheny's not the smart one he shot someone. HMMM so where are the brains in this administration?????

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