Thursday, October 26, 2006

I saw two bumper sticker today and laughed so hard. I don't like putting them on my car, but if I found these ones I would. One said "God is to big to fit into on relgion." and the other said "If only closed minded people came with closed mouths." I know we all have our own takes and belieafs, but I am sick of other people pusching them on me. I know what I am. I am a man who likes to have fun. It doesn't matter with who as long as I get along with them. I writ this, because today I recived a phone call and it was this person that said if you don't have god your soul is going to pay for ever. I know god is there god is in me, you and every one. Jesus is the one that will pass final judgement. I like to believe that as long as I don't hurt people and be totally cruel I will go into a state of Ecasty. If I don't then I will relive my life over and over until I get it right. I will be totally fine with that. We all learn from our mistakes. I didn't intend to write this much, but I had a creative moment.

I should inform you that I am kind of seeing some one. I am not going to introduce this person for a while. First off they are in the Marines and secondly we are still just getting to know one-another. I don't know how much we still need to know about eachother. We have had sex a couple of times. I am actually happy.

I am still leaving the theater, but not till the first of the year. If CMU accepts me I will just make the comute.

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