Thursday, February 03, 2005

Growing Up, and the Pros and Cons!

Well, as we grow we get more freedoms, and responsabilties. Which is good and bad, atleast for me. I paid my taxes and I made a considerable less amount of money in 04 then 03, but I am getting a lot of money back from Uncle Sam, not enough to catch me up however. It is still more then what I got for the last two years. With my debt raising and my account diveing I think this will motavate me to get a job and then a second job. I am not totally broke but the bills are do and I have enough to last through next month. So I am now looking for a job, with Delta's help and then hoping that I can get hired from the job fare or
Disney. Crossing my fingers here but I hope, to be working by March debt free in April and have a savings account again in june through Auggust. Then I will be able to move out, maybe a little sooner then then.

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