Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Okay, I know it's not much, but it's a start. I have been picked to be a Projectionists at the movie Cinema. It's just an extra shift a week, but if I can get up to four shifts a week I won't have to work at Meijer. yayayayayayayayayayayayayyaya!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Okay, we all know I am pro-dem. but the party let me down. I thought for sure that Hillary would win the nom. I was wrong!! If Obama does get it I am letting you all know that I am voting for the old man (McKain); compared to Obama he's got a better grasp and he proably won't make. Granted I am almost certain that the nation won't vote for McKain. Stats show that he is to old for our nation and face it the last time we had an old guy in office we dropped the Atom-bomb. Mark my words. I will be done with school before the end of the next term and if this nation isn't going in the right path I will be doing the opposite of my family. I will be going to the UK. I am disappointed in my nation that my GRANDFATHER, MY FATHERS PARENTS AND SO FORTH right down to my triple maybe even more Great-uncle Sitting bull; has flocked to the land. I have to jump the pond inorder to make a decent living. DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!1

Monday, June 02, 2008

I have nothing new to say. I am planing a party some time this month it will be a saturday. I am not going all out, I doubt many of you will show. BUt I am letting you all know bye for now.