Friday, November 14, 2008


So, I graduate roughly a year form June. It's taking me a few years, but atleast I will have a degree. What I will do with it is beyond me. So I've been seeking professional help. I am not getting what I thought I would, but I've only been going a little while; I just don't feel better. However, he wants me to go to a Psychiatrist's and be tested for a disorder (hmm. I might be bipolar.) That's a shocker, not.

So I've also been dating (a lot) this is what I want if you know someone that fits this description let me know. 1) Likes rock, metal, pop, rap, and certain mainstream music.
2) Likes going out as much as staying in.
3) Does not want to have sex every night.
4) Funny.
5) Likes my friends.

So until I find the person that fits those six characteristics I shall not have sex till then.

I might be eating my own words sooner or later.