Monday, March 21, 2005

No Idea You all Insert Title Here-

I have noticed that many people in Saginaw are oppsed to wearing a nice smelling fegerence. Friday and Saturday I was privy to some funky smells coming from many people I had to wait on at work. Then today I was walking behind this person who stunk like a sased-pool. I am not saying that I am the best smelling person in the world, but I try not smell like a damn bathroom. If I did I am sure that my friends would tell my I smell like a Jock strap or something along those lines.

Secondly, I am a bit confessed with life in general. How can I hate a job about 13 months ago, and actually enjoy it now?! I am not saying that it is any better but I actually don't dreed going to work. I half belive it is becacuse I need the money, and that two of the managers I did not get a long with are gone as well as the entire staff that I really did not get a long with.

Thirdly, I am going to florida in about three days. I can not wait to go, the weather better be fucking fantastic.

Fourthly, there is not a fourth. I just don't like odd numbers.
Bye y'all!

Mood- :)
Music- Death Meatal
Happiness Priceless.

Friday, March 18, 2005

A Great Day!

Okay I answered my Delima, I am going to ignore the whole thing. He has had twenty years to do all this, so that means that I can validate my anger towards him. I know have two jobs, well one and i am fo percent sure I have the other. However, I still will only be working six days aweek, at different hourly pay. And Meijer pays weekly but GKC pays biweekly that is cool with me though. If it comes about I can get a palce to live but the most I can afford is 150 a month. but I have to wait till the end of April so I can save my money. That is my day. How was yours?

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

What to do With My Delima.

I have this oppertunity to supbena my Father for a blood test. I was thinking that if it were a match than what would I do? Well first the ball would be in his court to see if he wanted a relationship (father/son) with his only son. To be honest I doubt he will welcome me with open arms. And if he did what would I do? I would like to think that I would have a relationship with him but would I regret it? Damn it I wish this oppertunity never came about. What would you do in my case??

I Feel......

What do we feel?
Is what we feel really what it is?
Is smooth really smooth or is rough really rough, or is it just what we are told it is?
When I cut do I bleed or am I healing, or am I screaming?
When I am hurt am I really hurt at all, or is it all tied in with what we are told is pain?
How do we know if we really exist?
If I died tomorrow would I be remebered?
If I die in 50 years will I be moraned, or will it be a great thing?
Or is this so called life really reality and what is reality?
Is this another persons dream and when this person die will we simply stop existing?
If I slap you will you feel it, and will I feel it?
What is pain but ananounce on a certain part of our body.
What is our body but merely a group of tissue and organs hidden by skin.
But what is a body but a mod-of-transprotaion from birth till death.

This is all a form of Pholisphy, or is it? Not really sure. This is truly the ramblings that have came to me in my class. Av'ur (sp)

Monday, March 14, 2005


I have been craving a ciggeratte all day. The thing is that I haven't smoked in a long time. In fact I think the last time I smoked was a the New years party at Jeff's house, and that was a cigar not a ciggereatte. I don't think it is related to stress of any kind I jusst think my body really wants to have a "cancer stick" as it were. In all reality I dispisze ciggs. But yet for the first time in a year+ I really want to have a smoke. I think it is a good thing that I don't have any money to buy them I proably would end up buying them. My only other option would be to bum a smoke off of someone else. I don't think I shall be doing that. So what can I do to get this craving out of my system, smoking is not one of them. Hmm. what to do . In other news I am bored shitless. I dont know why I am so bored well I am going to class and stuff so have a nice day .....

Sunday, March 13, 2005

So Bored!

I started reading The Di Vincci Code, in fact I have read about one-hundered pages, compelted my homework, in record time, and cleaned my room twice. I think I can relate this all to one thing the weather. I have hay fever like spring will never come. I finally have proof that spring is going to be here. It will reach the early 40's by friday and I know it's not that warm but it is about 20 degrees warmer than what we have at this point in time. If the weather is right we could reach 50's by the end of the next week. (I am talking as if it is Monday not sunday.) For my sanity and proably yours as well I hope that the weather warms up and I can start to go outside and do shit...

P.s. does anyone know of places that are hirring at this time??

Friday, March 11, 2005

Only In America!

So my mom and I went out shopping for new clothes for sumer and my trips, and I thought it was going to be boring. So when I am at the cashier asked me if I would like to apply for a Penny's card; I said sure, thinking and hoping that I would not get aproved. Boy was I wrong. I got a new credit card. I am not working, and now I have another bill to pay each month so in closing I would like to say DAMNIT IT ALL!

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Is it just me or have the past two days, or so, been misleading? Yesterday I looked outside and saw the sun shining away. A last, I walked outside and felt the COLD wind blowing and making my skin hurt. Then today the same thing happened the sun is out, and there is an artic wind blowing. I am so looking forward to taking a trip. I am so bored with life in fact I even skiped a class this morning. Not to mention I am very stressed out about my personal life. So you all know it is turned upside down and making me want to binge drink. Well that is all for now.

Friday, March 04, 2005

I decided to do both!

If you read this, even if i don't speak to you often, you must post a memory of me. It can be anything you want, it can be good or bad -- just so long as it happened.Then post this to your journal. See what people remember about you...

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Lost Fish!?

Okay, this is creeping me out, to no extreme. I was counting my fish, cuz I thought some were missing, sure enought I am missing a Rosie fish. So I ask my mum if she and Lacy got a dead fish out of my tank? She said no and why? well I am missing a fish i know a guppy died but I dont remeber flushing a rosie cuz that was a huge fish. So thinking that one of the kids got it and were playing with I called my grandmother, to see if she a had a fish in her suitcase. No luck. How in the hell can a 4 inch fish just disapare into thin water, or did it spontontainesly conbust, or did it jump out? If it did that, then my room would stink, no smell. Another theroy my mother has is that the ghost in the house took it. Yes my house is haunted, my mom and I hear voices in the living room late at night, no body is up, figures walking from the living room to dining room, and my grandmother has seen it. She actually made my mum sleep in the living room with her that next night. So I ask you have you seen my fish?