Sunday, August 24, 2008

Oh God!!!

I am so tired of work and working. I mean I would have no problem working all these hours if it was at one job. 33 hours out of 72 hours... Yeah for school. Why did I just say that you ask? I have two days off a week and my school schdule is sweet. I'm there on Monday at 10 am till 1125 am then Weds same time and then again at 6 pm. Wow that's a big break I get chills and love it time off. That's fucked up I know.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

You all wondered if I have morals.

Well I was online chatting with a friend-of-a-friend and got really pissed off. This person kept inviting me to there place for a "long weekend." I told them that I don't take time off, because I don't have paid days off at the moment and they said well "if you're good enough i will pay." Believe it or not I actually went off on the fucker. I simply said " I don't get down like that!" I ended up blocking him from aim and sending my friend an e-mail not to give my sn to any one ever again. The nerve of the person to think I was a common run of the mill hooker. I'm pissed. Just because I am broke does not mean I will sell my body. Honestly I am easy, if you're hot enough yeah sex will happen, but to offer money ewww! So there u have it my morals I will not take money for sex!!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


I've come to the realization that my Mom is really concerned about me. This is how it started. My phone rang and my friend answered it for me, (cuz I was in the shower). Mind you this is the second time in the last couple months that a "stranger" answered my phone. This than lead to the conversation that was weired "When are you going to get into a relationship?" she said. "Umm... I dunno 30 ish.?" Then we kinda got heated. My point is that no relationship in my family works. I've been burned and don't want to be burned again; not to mention that I'm only 23 do I really need to find the love of my life so young, wouldn't it just make it boring and harder to stay together after 30 or so years? but if I find that person when I'm say 30 then by the time the heat/ passion ends we'll both be to old to split and just stick it out until they die and I get a lover half my age. (mind you I plan on being well off when I'm old.) So is my reasoning behind all this misguided or is it just right for me. Mind you I'm really not looking for the love of my life; I'm perfectly content being single. I don't need some to have kids with or anything like that. I am self efficient. I guess I just don't see the point.

P.s Why is every one obsessed with Olive oil?