Monday, April 25, 2005

The Concert. By Ryan Palmer Ruiz de Castilla.

Rachel and I went to the Luda concert. Yes I enjoy Ludas music. I did not enjoy the two opening acts there. I thought they could have actually played some decent music. However, Ludas performance was rather good. Dispite the fact that he only played 45 mintues, that was longer thenI had expected. I honestly thought that SVSU just said luda was gonna be there. Because after the concert started at 8:30 (half hour late) the two opening acts then sucked and they were booed. What shocked me the most was the fact that there was no roits. Granted the concert mainly contained white kids that think they are black. But serisouly if I ever say lets go to a concert and they don't have an opening act right on the ticket, please shot me. Anyways I would like to see luda again but maybe at the civic center not the Ryder. P.s quinn the ryder center is way over rated.

On another note I am thinking about the casino on saturday. Any takers other than Rachel?????? I should be able to get out at around 10-11 12 am at the latest. Hti me up if any of ya want to go.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

So Gorssed Out.

It all started out inocently enough then went to hell and a hand basket. I thought I would look at Ebay. com for some cars, seeing how wasn't working for me, but no because I failed to payattenion my finger sliped and sent me to the wrong site. It wasnt not ebay but egay. I never rebooted a computer faster then I did at that excat(sp) moment. So if you don't see me at Delta things went bad for me. ;( that is all for todays update I am sure I will post again but not until friday night after my concert. Rachel if I don't ask you did you get friday off.

Monday, April 18, 2005

This is going to be a very long day for me.

Ok, Since I have been back I have not had a day to myself. That means that I have been working from April 2nd through today, that is roughly 17days. In the last two days I have gathered about 8 hours of sleep. Not good, because I have a 12 hour day yesterday and a 10 hour day today. With me working at 1:30 on tuesday I have to have all my homework done tonight, inorder to get a decent grade in my classes. To explain to you how tired I am, let me tell you about how I feel. My head hurts (brain wise), my eyes hurt (no contacts for me today,) and I can't, really, feel my legs very well.

Furthermore, all day, so far, I have had the feeling that I have been, being watched. Infact, my eyes are playing tricks, cuz whenever I look into the monitor I see some one right behind me and when I turn to look at this person I do not see them. And no the reflection is not of myself. I have not lost my mind, anyfurther then what I have thus far. Now I feel that I am rambling on and on, so I will take my leave as of now.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Why do I (We) Do This To Ourselves?

It is mandated that we go to school, at least, from Kindergarden- our 16th birthdays. Some of us go through High school. Then some of us to college. For what? Ultamately it is for money. But some choose a carreer that says here I am. Is it worth the money, time, and studing when we could be haveing fun. Instead we are stuck in a build two or more days a week. When, we are not inside we are working on papers or studing for classs, and then we work. It is a viscous cycle. That basicly is boiled down to money. The better of an education we get the better paid we become. If this is so, why are so many of us out of work? There are some collage grads that make 6 dollars an hour. Hmm! this is so wrong. We go bankrupt to get an education and then have to work meaningless jobs to pay for life. Until we find the job we went to school for, if that ever happens.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

I Feel Like Shit.

Not, because I am sick, but because I can not afford to move out this summer. I really feel bad because I let Rachel down. If you know me I really don't like to let my freinds down, well at least I think I don't let them down. I am really mad with myself for letting me get so far behind in bills, agin. I just hope that she is not to pissed off at me. Well I am gonna go to bed and cry about my bills see you later.

Monday, April 04, 2005

My Theroy on Love!

First of all, why do we, now a days, feel that there is love in the world? Granted that you are suppose to love your family, but do you really. When a parent dies or Grandparent, we cry and morin. Are we crying because we really did love them or because we last a confidant? That is the norm. What I don't get is why are people looking for Mr or Mrs. Right. Why can't we just find the Right person for right now. Two people in my English class are ingaged to be married. If you are in love why do you need a piece of paper telling the world you are in love. Now, people get married for health insurance and a reteriement, I get that. When our parents were married it was either convenit, gotting of a child, or love,so they thought in many cases. Most of my friends have parents that are split up. Come to think of it I have two freinds that parents are married. I don't think one set of parents are happily married however, but I can't speak for the other ones. And if you want to get technical my mom has never been devoriced. She never married my dad. He was, in her words, Mr. Right now. I myself fell love is bothersome, yes sex is good but in our times we have a lot to worry about, STDS, kids, yes kids have always been a problem but still the teenage pregnecy is at all time high. I don't know am I just not getting it. I am that selfish that I don't want to share my life with a person. Or am I just a confermed Bachlor, for life. Or is it all possible that I will find the right person for life not for now? I don't know but I do know this I will not hold my breathe for said person. If you are out their and you are into a lot of the things I am into then leave me a message, if not piss or get off the pot.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

I'm Back From My Vaction!!

I have to admit this, I LOVE THE SOUTH. Not just for the weather, that is the iceying on the cake, but I love the people. Not one rude person, except for the bitch at universal. I mean they all say "Hi honey, how are y'a?" "Do you want a Soda?" I was at the bar in Daytona with Grandma and Amber, and the bar tender was so sweet and hot. Every time she asked if we wanted a beer we all said "yes please." She commented that we have very nice manors or we have worked with the public and know how they are. Actually, my grandmother said both.

Later after we poored Grandma into her bed and my cousin mooned my mom. Amber and I went out. First so we didn't have to make an extra stop we hit the head. When I walked into the lobby bathroom, there were three very drunk college kids seeing how far they could piss. Needless to say that I saw more then I really cared to. Then when Amber walked into the bathroom there were two girls in one stall, she was pissed because they didn't invite her. Well we went out and watched the cops pull over 30 cars amin, well something like that, and saw a lot more drunk kids. There was this kid maybe 16 that had a fake ID bathering this nice girl so Amber and I went up and said "Honey I'm back" and the kid wanted to take a swing at Amber. She of coruse said you hit me you go to jail. He didn't know she was a women.

Then the next morning we lounged by the beach and stuff then headed to Skip's house, my grandma's cousin. His house was in the middle of nothing the closet store was a half hour away. That was the longest 16 hours of my life as well as everyone else's. That night we were kept up all night by Skip and his Fince screwing around, as well as Skips' house mates. Then my grandmother wanted out of the house at the buttcrack of dawn so, she washed her hair in the sink. Now Grandma hates to sleep in underwear, and she wears nightgowns. Well while she was washing her hair in the kitchen sink the ass was hanging out. Well Ken wanted some coffee as we went there the almost ramed his stuff up grandmas bum. lucky for grandma she stood up in time. Well we left at 6 am, and that was the itchest time of our lives. We were covered in flee bites. Needless to say we all cused her out, it was her idea to stay at skips and nobody could think of a way out.

Then we went to unversal, that was fun I wished we could have stayed longer and that i was 21 and not 19 going on 20. The Mummy ride was awsome, liked the Jaws ride and yes I am admiting I like Scherik's ride.

Now for the part that I didn't want to do but ended up liking it anyways. Savannah Gerogia. It was awsome. The ghosts, the shops and the buildings. I have to say I loved it a lot. So to recap my mom talked to a ghosts, saw a lot of good and bad things at Daytona, Grandma getting ass checked by a Charles Manson look alike, and my grandmother cusing out this little old women for being a bitch. The saddest part was coming home to 50 degree weather. Well I have to shhower and get ready for work now talk to you all later.