Saturday, November 18, 2006

I have noticed that the vast majority of my friends seem to be depressed and puting distince between the rest of the circle. I fear that the circle won't last much longer. That's a shame too. We use to have so much fun, but now it's like we have to pull teeth to do anything with them. I know I put some distiance between me and the circle, I blame my job. I have been working to many hours. All work and no play makes for a very dull life. I must admit I am having second thoughts about leaving the theater, but I must way the pros and cons of my sanity. That's funny cuz my sanity is hanging on by a very thin thread. I must go now and slave away at a job I hate more than G. W.

P.S Go DEMS, keep this up and you will control the free world in the next election.

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