Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Lost Fish!?

Okay, this is creeping me out, to no extreme. I was counting my fish, cuz I thought some were missing, sure enought I am missing a Rosie fish. So I ask my mum if she and Lacy got a dead fish out of my tank? She said no and why? well I am missing a fish i know a guppy died but I dont remeber flushing a rosie cuz that was a huge fish. So thinking that one of the kids got it and were playing with I called my grandmother, to see if she a had a fish in her suitcase. No luck. How in the hell can a 4 inch fish just disapare into thin water, or did it spontontainesly conbust, or did it jump out? If it did that, then my room would stink, no smell. Another theroy my mother has is that the ghost in the house took it. Yes my house is haunted, my mom and I hear voices in the living room late at night, no body is up, figures walking from the living room to dining room, and my grandmother has seen it. She actually made my mum sleep in the living room with her that next night. So I ask you have you seen my fish?

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