Friday, March 24, 2006

I am going to fade away for a while.

I don't know why, but I feel that I am not destined for a friendship with him. For some reason that is bothering me. For the second time in my life I am left thinking what did I do. When I think that he just lied to spear my feelings. I don't get why people do that I guess I may be too honest about life, but what are you going to do about that. If I never have a singfagant other in my life I just may be fine with that. I guess seeing all my friends "happy" with their relationships made me want it (a relationship). As I write this I realize that I was happy without a person in my life but hey. I guess I am just pissed at myself for not reading between the lines like I should have. I am so looking forward to talking with a psychologist and maybe moving on with my "issues" and finding my real self, if that really exsits. If therapy doesn't work I just may gas up my car and go west for a while and maybe write my book and live as a bum. I hate having responsibilities those are the only reasons I stay here. Well I have wasted enough of your time so I guess I will see you all some time soon. I am sure that one of you all will have a party after I get out of the WTF mode I am in right now. Lord if this is a broken heart. I need more help then I thought maybe I will see you all soon If not I will proally be out west. Love yah all.

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