Sunday, March 05, 2006

I wish I was STILL an only child!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, my mom and I were to go to Home Depot and get some paint and carpet for my room today. Then, Jerrad gets up and wants to go. imedatedly after that she says "I don't want to go." All, because she can't say no to him. WTF!!! She will go places with him and not me. Then her car breaks down agian and I am inconvininced yet agian. I can't drive my own car to and fro. Seriously GET A NEW FUCKING CAR. I don't mind every blue moon loaning my car out, but come on it is just about every other day now. Damn, I need to get away. I can't wait to go to the mall of America this summer and Ohio on Friday.

I feel like I am serving a perison term. I work two jobs and go to school full time. In reality I should be banking mad cash but I am not I am still paying bills off. I have not spent money on myself all year. I am really getting anncy to spend some money after this pay check I have decide to spend some of my money on me. I want to go to the outlet mall or maybe Great Lakes Crossing. Any takers, Jeff, Rachel??? I'm looking at you two.

So, the theater keeps trying to push me into the MIT position. I don't want to be a manager there. I am 20 going on 21 I feel like I am 20 going on 31. I want to enjoy my youth while I can and before I settle down and start a life of my own. I want to make my mistakes now so when I am in my forties I don't feel like I missed out on anything in this life. Yes, I have down a lot of thing thus far, but alas I want to more such as parities and I will avoid the whole getting so mashed thing like at Annas party. I think I handled myself, way, better at Al's preimer.

So, my grandmother is in the hospital. That is way I was able to get today off from work. On the lucky side of it all she is responeding better to the meds and just might pull it off. I feel a little bad about taking today off seeing how she might be okay, but I needed a day off where I don't have to do any homework. Well I have ran out of time, so I will pick my my rante a little later. Sorry about all the spelling mistakes I just don't care right now.

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