Monday, July 24, 2006

Hi all. Let me recap for a bit here.

This week I found out that a SL is being promted to Asstiant. I don't like this SL. I am appling for a school in Orlando; here it goes. I am really wanting to get out of here. I also seem to have a cold. I have a sore throat, cough, sneezes, slight fever, and extreme fatgiue. I am kinda hoping that I can find another job so that I can leave the Theater. I still need to pay bills off and would love to save up some money$. Also I found this dealership willing to sell me a truck. I still have to wait till next year, but I hope they let me do in then. Next July I will owe 1800$ on my car. The dealer says they will pay that off, pay taxes and plates, and allow me to put nothing down on the truck. Payments would be around 210 a month. That is live able. Now all I need is an apartment, in Florida. My game plan is to drive down there and get an apartment, and get all that setup before I move. I figure as long as I have about 2grand $aved I will be okay. It shouldn't take me more than 2, maybe, 3 months to find a job down there. I have an awsome resume. Plus I will be able to sub, down there. Well now that you are all brought up to speed I will ask this. Does any one out there have a monitor I can borrow for a little bit.

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