Thursday, December 09, 2004

Wow I never Knew!!

Jeff said...
"Well, not only would I get even.... but I can't be outdone by that sick fuck!I would go to his/her house (ex-wife anyone?) and tie that person to a chair. After the killer is secured in an upright position, I will punish the killer for hurting my "feelings." Castration would come first (or clitoris removal). I would then torture, search, and google until I knew the names, address numbers, and even hobbies of the family members. Then I would abduct, rape, and castrate (or remove a clitoris) the family as well. Finally. I will burn many houses down, and attack thumbscrews. After all fingers are broken (and toes), I would break some jaws, crack some heads, and maybe even pull a "Resevoir Dogs" on a few. Finally, I will slow cook them in a vat.... and feet it to the homeless.I hate those sick fucks.Anyhoo, I have a new blog (my second one). I just made it and linked you. I'm at, Lord of the Universe (who shall rule with an iron fist covered in acid of rightous smiting)."
5:50 AM
Rachel said...
"...Wow, Jeff. I think you went too far with that one."

Hmm I thought Rachel would be shocked, I used a biblical line in my journal. Hmm maybe she didn't read all of it????? Nah she is, proably just in shocked!
11:35 AM

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I read it all. I wasn't shocked, though I was slightly surprised.