Wednesday, January 26, 2005

You people seem down, Why?`

Okay, I have read Jeff and Rachel's blogs and they seem to be a little down, or just wondering what is going on with us (them) today. I am purposeing we all forget about what is bathering us for now and have some fun, Movie anyone?? Well, I am not up, nor down, just some where in between. I ask you this, Why..... (you fill in the rest.) Why do I have an urage, to pack my truck up and drive to a far away place, that won't stop my troubles, they will undoubtly follow me there. The urage is caused by wanting a break from the so called troubles, if I leave now, they won't have time to follow me right away, because I will be thinking about getting to where I am going. Then once I have a spear second, they will re-appear, and back to a different destaion. I could even go to in-comutocato, un-reachable. But I won't I will stay and fight another battle today and for the rest of my life, untill I get to go to my grave.... Just because I run they will follow me and if I stay here they will be right back in my head untill I have no troubles at all then that will be the day I die.....


Jeffy said...

I'm more irritated then anything. Family took money from me again and I needed to use change for gas money as a result.

Ryan said...

Dude I know your pain, money is the devil, unless you have some, for which I dont.